
The Qualification Call Blueprint is on the way to your inbox, but if you’re one of those people who doesn’t want to waste any time, and your serious about growing your business, why wait Let’s get started now?


Fast track the growth of your mortgage business

With a Growth Strategy Session, with Billion Dollar Broker, Ross Le Quesne.


Are you ready to accelerate your mortgage business?

Too many brokers today are stuck in a cycle of overwhelm. Caught up in the day-to-running of their business, unsure where to invest their time and money and lacking a strategic plan and direction for where they want to be.  But it doesn’t need to be like this!

What if you took just 60 minutes out of your busy schedule, with an expert broker by your side, to focus strategically on where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. 

What difference would this make, to your time, your energy, your financials, your team? To have a clear strategic map and actionable plan built in conjunction with an expert broker.

Create an actionable growth plan to uplevel your business, with An Expert Broker By Your Side.

Your invited to The Billion Dollar Broker, Growth Strategy Session, a private high strategy session, with expert Billion Dollar Broker, Ross Le Quesne.

From this session, you will walk away with:

  • Powerful insights on your business
  • Clarity of your goals and where you want to be
  • Understanding of any current gaps and the key areas you need to focus on to close them
  • An actionable plan to fast track the growth of your business
  • Expert guidance and direction from an expert broker

Are you ready to grow your mortgage business?

Sign up today for this FREE private strategy session, that will set you on the right track to up-level your business now.

The Solution

Get The Right Tools &
Support to Transform Your Business

Imagine the alternative. Where you have an excellent team in place, providing your clients with an outstanding service off the back of impeccable systems and processes, in a successful mortgage business that can run without you.

I’m Ross Le Quesne – the Billion Dollar Broker – and I’m here to help you create this reality.

As Aussie’s former No 1 broker and now coach to many of Australia’s top 100 brokers, I know what it takes to build a seven-figure loan book. I want to share these secrets with you, and more including how to:

  • Develop a strategic outlook and innovative approach to doing business that delivers results
  • Shortcut your path to success and take your business to the next level
  • Build better systems and processes to free up your time and empower your team
  • Better focus your time, and what to outsource, to increase efficiency
  • Feel confident in every decision, guided by expert advice and knowledge

It is my mission to help mortgage brokers who are looking to scale their business and create a future they are proud of. Through a range of coaching and mentoring services, I am here to be the secret weapon behind your success.

Be Coached By Aussie’s Former No. 1 Broker
Ross Le Quesne

What you will learn

Get the Proven Secrets To Success

When you join a Billion Dollar Broker coaching and mentoring program you get immediate access to advice, tools and techniques that will transform your mortgage broking business. Together we explore where the greatest growth opportunities exist and what changes you need to implement to capitalise on them. I guide you through each step and help you realise life-changing outcomes including:

Build a Scalable World-Class Business Without Burnout

Create a thriving mortgage business you are proud of, that runs without you. Get more freedom, flexibility, time with your family and space to enjoy life outside the office.

Increase Revenue, Profit & Realise Growth

Double your mortgage business and grow to $100+ million a year in settlements. Scale with ease using best practice systems, processes, techniques and tools to enhance performance.

Lead A Winning Team & Scale Quickly

Put the right people in place and simplify your business. Move out of the reactive approach that is preventing you from scaling and achieve operational efficiencies that will free you up to lead.

Become A Market Authority

Get access to tested and proven marketing strategies that are easy to implement, generate leads and will position you above the competitiom as the leading market authority.

Build Lifetime Clients And Referral Business

Learn how to foster valuable and profitable lifetime client and referral relationships and delight your customers, ensuring every touchpoint provides an exceptional customer experience.

Create Wealth Through Property

Become a go-to broker for property investment. Leverage Ross Le Quesne’s passion for property investing and learn how to create wealth for you and your clients through property.

Video Testimonials

Sign up today for this FREE session that will set you on the right track to uplevel your business now.

Register Now

Getting started

The Programs

Billion Dollar Broker Accelerator Program

Get on your way to a billion loan book and settle $100 million a year. With the Accelerator Program, you can move from chaos to control and scale with simplicity. A practical and interactive program focused on implementation, with expert advice and support.

Ideal for:

  • Brokers settling over $2.5 million a month and targeting growth
  • Brokers looking for coaching and trusted advice, alongside best practice tools, techniques, systems and processes proven to deliver outstanding results
Learn More

Billion Dollar Broker Elite Program

Triple your loan book in just 12 months with mentoring from the Billion Dollar Broker. This customised, world-class coaching program is designed for top brokers looking to leverage and scale an already successful business.

Ideal for:

  • Brokers consistently settling over $7 million a month and ready to lead a first-class business
  • Brokers looking to create a business that runs without them, reliant on strong systems and processes rather than individuals
Learn More

Meet Ross

After 25 years as one of Australia’s leading Mortgage Brokers, I felt the call to give back to the industry that has given me so much. To share the secrets behind my success with those looking to scale their business and create a future and life they are proud of. Today, as Founder and Director of The Billion Dollar Broker, I coach and mentor many of the country’s leading brokers. Helping them accelerate performance and bring more ease and enjoyment into their business.

"Every broker deserves to have a profitable business they are proud of."

Ross Le Quesne

Video Testimonials

Are you ready to grow your mortgage business?

Ready to do things differently and make the changes needed to create the business you truly want? Coach with the Billion Dollar Broker today.