The Qualification Call Blueprint is on the way to your inbox, but if you’re one of those people who doesn’t want to waste any time, and your serious about growing your business, why wait?
Let’s get started now!

Scale to $100+ million a year in settlements.

Learn how to build a growing mortgage business that can run without you in this FREE Masterclass from Aussie’s Former No.1 Broker.

Are You Ready To Accelerate Your Mortgage Business With An Expert By Your Side?

Too many brokers today are stuck in a cycle of overwhelm. Caught up in the day-to-running of their business, unsure where to invest their time and money and lacking the freedom and flexibility they crave. But it doesn’t need to be like this!

In The Billion Dollar Broker Masterclass I share the secrets that will move you from where you are now, to where you want to be. From exhausted and frustrated, to in-control and thriving.  Achieving $100 million a year in settlements and leading a successful broking business you can be proud of.

Join me to hear how I built a billion dollar loan book and the steps you can take to achieve to gain the following outcomes:

  • More Revenue: How to double your settlements, revenue and profits in 2023
  • Clarity of your goals and where you want to be
  • More Time: Identify the time drains in your business and reclaim hours each week
  • More Control: Free yourself up to focus on the key strategies that will drive growth
  • More Clarity: Better understand the tools and techniques every broker should utilise
  • More Confidence: Relax knowing the work you are putting in is in the right areas

CLASS begins 5 JULY 2023 | 12 - 1pm

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